NewApk » Android »AppLock Zilla: Protect apps with Rhythm of your taps

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, September 20, 2014
Presenting a Free AppLock highest number Android Market App

AppLock Zilla free app protector app locker Smartphones messages (WhatsApp, Twitter, SMS, Facebook, Skype, Gmail etc.) Photos, Videos well apps. AppLock Zilla locks all types lock types.

AppLock Zilla comes completely unique Android Market App such Lock Rhythm Lock

v Tap Lock enables secure specific area based taps a pattern.

v Rhythm Lock enables secure a rhythmic touch pattern which impossible entered else than you.

AppLock Zilla Lock Types:

1. Rhythm Lock

2. Tap Lock

3. Calculator Lock

4. Time Pin

5. Gesture Lock

6. Pattern Lock

7. Numeric (Password) Lock

AppLock Zilla optimized battery life completely AdFree. control access pho video folders from intruders them using AppLock Zilla.

AppLock Zilla NewApk » Android »AppLock Zilla: Protect apps with Rhythm of your taps :

· App Groups

· Individual Locks

· Time Profiles

· Toggle Protection

· Remote Protection

· Third Eye

· Media Vault

· Themes

Attached Images

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