NewApk » Android »Secret of Mana v3.1.006

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, October 30, 2014
Secret v3.1.006

Android Market App: 2.3+

Android Market App: Initially released, Secret took innovative real-time battle system rendered world. out among other action RPGs seamless gameplay from beginner .

One most memorable elements Mana series Ring Comm system. single press button, a ring-shaped menu appears screen, where players items, change weapons, a variety actions without needing screens. T Comm system series well known was first introduced since appeared games series.

Play two companions, Primm , adventure all around . center epic story mystical power . Battle quest . Befriend elementals who wield itself. Numerous encounters awa every turn.

Customer Reviews

Any Update .

by anothermessiah

T b, people. I remember waiting day. Enix spent any time all day entertainment industry short . Square didn't do t money folks, 's enough display if character. whiners complaining didn't entirely rewrite a was released just so there aren't borders would be home wating line somewhere complaining about their $9 cup . Thank forgetting t piece childhood. I think good, 've never praised borders before.


by Intre9id

I played times , been updated, see screen (which had been previously cut off ugly "ipad" indicator).

compatible. Does anyone know which gamepad be? If so I would definitely chalk to-buy list Any help , I would like which gamepad .


Hoping Sync

by NoobianGod

I believe I was using a gamepad before brought t still very playable. T one favorite games growing fantastic gamepad devices. I’m hoping they give t some iPad love really soon saves between devices. If it’ll be a 5 Star rating time users account. :)



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