NewApk » Android »Androrec+ v1.6

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, January 11, 2015
Androrec+ v1.6

Android Market App: 2.2

Android Market App: Log recorded calls viewed from which includes call like contact number/name, exact date time call making all from .

Androrec Plus does phones due . So please, try our free NewApk » Android »Androrec+ v1.6 Androrec (v1.9) from play store ( before buying t. If Androrec does phone, then please do Androrec Plus.

Either uninstall call recording other call recording applications installed phone including Androrec (free NewApk » Android »Androrec+ v1.6 ) before using Androrec plus

All stored external storage folder. All previous recordings from Androrec (free) be available plus log even if NewApk » Android »Androrec+ v1.6 .

NewApk » Android »Androrec+ v1.6


New : Filter records between two dates, filter records based call duration.

► One tap Enable/Disable call recording.

► Option a custom location files

► Records all incoming calls without limits.

► format (Configurable).

► Log recorded calls viewed from which includes call like contact number/name, exact date time call making all from .

► filtered, date, duration (Incoming/Outgoing).

► Recordings played, deleted from itself.

► Recordings sent via email, dropbox similar applications from .

► Option , archive multiple recordings simultaneously.

► Option notification during call recording.

► Option from default media player list.

► Option pop .

► Option deleted recordings folder days (configurable number ) before actually deleting accidental delete.

► No Network access needed

Expected Android Market App release


► Enable/Disable recording contacts

► Option clean recordings after few days (Configurable)

► Lock important records recording from au

► Option disable recording when connected /headphone

Note : Please do bad, if bought Androrec Plus without trying Androrec free NewApk » Android »Androrec+ v1.6 (Version 1.9). issues please write us to try our best .

Call recording legal countries. Please respect l a country.

search-tags : call recorders, two way call recorders, call recorders

What's New

v1.6 :

• Added option transparent icons

• Minor bug fix




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