NewApk » Android »Today Calendar Pro v3.2.3.2

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Today Calendar Pro v3.2.3.2

Android Market App: Android 4.1

Android Market App: Today streamlined, modern calendar app.

Today streamlined, modern calendar app.

Despite being derived from stock android calendar majority calendars Play Store, Today sets itself apart from calendar app high functionality beautiful aesthetics.

calendar's UI was completely overhauled Today. The old cluttered grey-on-grey layout was replaced clean accented white a truly beautiful app.

Functionality wise, Today contains all find in calendar app, Android Market App getting slightly modified and rebuilt from increase performance .

view redesigned Today's All-In-One view. It combines both views stock calendar majority their days from a single view.

Today's widgets result months and optimisations - they available separate app i released months ago. Today Calendar Widgets comes bundled app, providing beautiful, semi-transparent widgets already know.

What's New

• "Arrgh" : Anti-Pirate Measures.



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