NewApk » Android »Magisto Video Editor & Maker v3.7.6782

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, March 15, 2015
Magis Editor & Maker v3.7.6782

Android Market App: Varies

Android Market App: Magis Editor & Maker automatically turns clips in edited movies, complete choice , cool graphics, , a few magical minutes! Best free .


Magis Editor & Maker automatically turns clips in edited movies, complete choice , cool graphics, , a few magical minutes! Best free .

Magis over 30 million users, featured Play Editors' Choice Play homepage countries. Most recently, Magis included's list Apps ! also featured, TechCrunch, Mashable, Wired, VentureBeat, GigaOM, Web, CNET, !

NEW! Magis SURPRISE beautiful movies automatically created from . (Don't worry - always disable t under settings until you're ready 'em.)

“Pho”! Create sensational movies using photos.

Imagine a personal pho combined own video editor, available 24/7 in masterpieces,! way plain pictures in stories.


’t be a video editor anything about video editing. Magis analyze , creating a professional looking movie—an ed you’ll be proud friends.


“Who needs Instagram when Magisto? I’ll take fully au movies every time!”

"Awesome themes! Shared football video!"

“Easier video than you'd ever imagine!”

“Loving it! Magis great some funniest videos ever!”

“My family love seeing I’m making & sharing”

“Creates longer beautiful videos than Vine…”

“Use existing video & photos them come together smooth masterpiece."

“Awesome app – , end result !”

“Best video editing app history editing! Awesome !”

"Sharing movies simple!"

"With Cup video editing style I turned videos in World Cup movies!"

"Best video editor maker time!"


- Unprecedented AI Technology analyzes parts video in clips

- Share videos +, Facebook, Twitter, Email, Youtube Whatsapp

- Share movies, publicly, albums

- Collaborate around shared interests albums

- Automatic video stabilization, filters, effects, transitions, production

- Facial recognition detects people videos

- Upload video from Magis a smart video camera

- Add soundtracks from Magisto’s library music

- Access from any device

- Replaces slideshow makers video compilation

- Add Instagram photos, mp4 movies, !

- Uses FFmpeg under permission

- Wide variety styles such, Indie, Travel !


“Seeing movie app’s video player after creation was simply incredible”

“Magis my birthday parties weekends in movies…A+”

“Now we’ll always our birthday parties!”

“MY FAVORITE APP! All my friends my transformation in video star.”

“Magis my friends think I spent hours turning my baby photos in!”

“My family keeps asking me how I made videos kids, but I’ll never tell, haha!”

“It’s like NewApk » Android »Magisto Video Editor & Maker v3.7.6782 – I need how it’s done!!”

What's New

- One most requested Android Market App !

'Follow' friends people about, own followers.

- Android Market App sharing

-, other bug fixes improvements



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