NewApk » Android »SMS Backup & Restore Pro v7.41

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, April 25, 2015
SMS Backup & Restore Pro v7.41

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Android Market App: A simple App SMS Messages. T a Paid No-Ads NewApk » Android »SMS Backup & Restore Pro v7.41 Ad-Supported Free App.


locally phone unless upload , Google Drive. responsible files files sent developer case.

On Android 4.4+ devices, if performed messages don't appear then:

- Open Hangouts SMS from Settings.

- Ex Hangouts app

- Open Hangouts SMS from Settings.


- Backup SMS Messages format.

- Backup created locally device upload , Google Drive using -On app.

- Choose a scheduled time backup.

- Backup format Android NewApk » Android »SMS Backup & Restore Pro v7.41 so easily moved from one phone , irrespective Android NewApk » Android »SMS Backup & Restore Pro v7.41 .

- Option which conversations .

- View/Restore all Messages selected conversations.

- Delete all SMS Messages Phone.

- Email a backup file.

- be converted NewApk » Android »SMS Backup & Restore Pro v7.41 , also be viewed computer.

- Tested v1.5 .4.2

On newer phones storage backup location be storage card .

T because reports .

If a factory reset phone, please make sure /email a copy backup outside before doing it.

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FAQs NewApk » Android »SMS Backup & Restore Pro v7.41 at Secured URL

Please start once after updates so scheduled backups start working.

T needs access following:

* : Backup messages. Receive SMS permission needed handle messages received while default messaging app 4.4+ devices.

* Storage: file SD card.

* Phone calls - Without t Restore fails phones.

* information: names Backup file.

* Run-up: Start scheduled Backups.

* Control Vibration: when .

* Prevent Phone from Sleeping: from going /suspended state while a Backup operation progress.

* Test access Storage: file SD card.

Icons designed Kitanoski of Secured URL



- Fix Conversation List HTC devices.

- Updated Italian translations thanks Maria Calzolari

- Added Serbian translations thanks Đorđević


- Fix Mode backup errors


- Button text fixes languages

- Better handling MMS messages

- Better filtering selection


- Printing text fixes languages


- Better backup performance messages Mode.

- Disabled vibrate mode.

- Fix restore conversations properly.

- other minor fixes.



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