NewApk » Android »RealCalc Plus v2.0.1

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, December 25, 2014
RealCalc Plus v2.0.1

Android Market App: 1.5

Android Market App: RealCalc Plus enhanced NewApk » Android »RealCalc Plus v2.0.1 's #1 Scientific Calculator, RealCalc - a fully featured scientific calculator which looks like thing.

RealCalc Plus.jpg

RealCalc Plus includes Android Market App:

* Traditional algebraic operation

* Fraction calculations to/from decimal

* Degrees/minutes/seconds calculations

* 12-dig

* Extended internal precision (32-digit)

* User-customizable un

* User-customizable constants

* Percentages

* Result history

* 10 memories

* Binary, octal, ( enabled)

* Trig functions, radians

* Scientific, engineering -point display modes

* 7-segment, dot-matrix font display

* Landscape mode

* Configurable dig point

* Three RPN styles: direct-entry (classic RealCalc mode), buffered-entry, rolling stack

- see Menu > Help > RPN Mode different modes

* Full built-in help


* If data size con NewApk » Android »RealCalc Plus v2.0.1 s , use kibibytes, mebibytes, gibibytes, etc - see

* If 't find HEX, BIN modes, go > Settings sure that 'Radix Modes' .

* If key appears wrong answers, make sure pressing '=' end, e.g. '25 + 10 % =' 27.5.

* If sin/cos/tan functions don't give expecting, make sure correct angle mode. Degrees, radians , indicated, RAD, GRAD display. Use key mode.

* If any dig, decimal point doesn't work, in, arithmetic appears wrong, then , octal mode. Press DEC operation. If 't need these modes, please make sure that 'Radix Modes' settings.

Please read information.

What's New :

* New menu button (above SHIFT).

* New 7-segment -matrix displays.

* 12-dig.

* Increased exponent range 999.

* Increased internal precision -digit.

* New RPN modes:

- buffered-entry (like HP-48)

- XYZT rolling stack (like HP-42)

* New repeat-calculation behaviour: press operator twice (K shown).

* Constants updated 2010 values.

* Memory clear.



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